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Articles tagged with: Smart Lighting

3 Smart Lighting Design Ideas for Home Offices 3 Smart Lighting Design Ideas for Home Offices

Maximize Productivity and Comfort with the Right Illumination

Telecommuting is nothing new, as the computer and high-speed internet made it a relatively painless proposition over the past two decades. In the past ten years or so, the maturing of cloud application and communication platforms made it even easier to work from home, and many employers encouraged and supported it on a part-time basis.

Of course, we don't have to mention here how the COVID-19 crisis has pushed working from home into hyper-speed overdrive. After all, before this pandemic, when did you ever see Saturday Night Live skits about Zoom meetings? While working from home is not without its many challenges, many think that companies large and small will be seriously rethinking their workforces, with telecommuting becoming far more prevalent for many information workers.

So, what do you need to work from home effectively? Besides the things you might think about – a distraction-free space, comfortable and ergonomic furniture, and a good equipment setup – have you thought about the lighting? Good lighting makes for a pleasant space to work, while poor lighting can lead to fatigue and a lack of productivity, and you may not even know why. Here are three tips that residential lighting design experts recommend to ensure your Alpharetta, GA home office is a happy and productive workplace.

Introduce Your Home to the Human Side of Lighting Control Introduce Your Home to the Human Side of Lighting Control

How Lutron Lighting Solutions Can Contribute to Wellness

We adapt to technology quickly, perhaps more than we realize. In the past 25 years, life has changed markedly with the onslaught of the Internet, which continues to connect not just people but almost every facet of our lives.

Sometimes, people rue the effect of technology on their lives and long for the "good old days" before it came along. They complain about the impact of technology, that all our "interconnectedness" makes too much of a 24/7 world.

However, technology can also enhance our lives in ways far better than the “good old days.” One of the latest features of LED lighting and lighting control is color-tuned lighting, and it promises to make your home’s lighting more natural and attuned to your daily rhythms.

It’s called human-centric lighting, and it’s brought to your Roswell home by Lutron, a pioneer in lighting control since the good old days. Read on to see how Lutron lighting control can enhance your wellness at home.

Why Install Lutron Lighting Control in Your Residential Projects? Why Install Lutron Lighting Control in Your Residential Projects?

Because Smart Lighting is Smart for Your Business

According to recent data from the National Association of Home Builders, 7-12% of the budget for home remodeling projects go toward electronics. Whether you’re doing a major remodel or a new build for your client, it’s no secret that smart home control and automation are high on homebuyer lists.

One of the most frequently requested smart home features is lighting control. Perhaps there is little surprise to that; lighting control is a feature whose merits are easy to grasp. It adds convenience for managing lighting throughout the house, can save energy, and can be an effective security feature as well.

So when you are building, moving walls, replacing cabinets, plumbing, and redoing electrical wiring, that is the perfect opportunity to integrate the infrastructure for lighting control. When it comes to lighting control, Georgia Home Theater recommends Lutron lighting control for your Dunwoody projects.

Read further to learn why adding Lutron lighting control is a smart business decision.

Four Reasons to Invest in a Smart Lighting Control System Four Reasons to Invest in a Smart Lighting Control System

An Investment in Your Home and Your Lifestyle

You may have heard of lighting control systems or smart lighting, but like many things now labeled “smart,” you may not have a great sense of what they can do for you. Smart lighting control systems also sound like they might require a significant investment.

The good news is that smart lighting control may require a minimal upfront investment in wiring to get started. With the advances in wireless technologies, however, you may be surprised at how painless it is to add lighting control to your existing home. Moreover, you can automate your outdoor lights, one room, several rooms, or the whole house – you have choices, and you can expand in the future.

Why install a smart lighting control system in your Metro Atlanta home? Because there are real benefits in convenience, safety, and efficiency – not to mention adding a little luxury to your lifestyle. Read on to find out how.