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Articles in Category: Landscape Lighting Design

A good landscape lighting design adds beauty, functionality, and safety to your outdoor areas. Learn about the latest trends and solutions here.

4 Landscape Lighting Design Ideas to Make Your Home Pop 4 Landscape Lighting Design Ideas to Make Your Home Pop

Simple Lighting Ideas to Make Your Home's Exterior Shine

If you read these blog pages, you may note something we have said several times: Everything looks better in the right light. We didn’t invent that phrase, but it is our mantra when it comes to our work in lighting design and control for our clients.

Landscape lighting is one of those things that can turn a home’s exterior from forgettable to memorable when the sun goes down. It’s also one of those things that’s some parts art and some parts science. Here are some tried and true landscape lighting design ideas to spice up your Atlanta home’s exterior.

Avoid These 4 Landscape Lighting Design Mistakes Avoid These 4 Landscape Lighting Design Mistakes

Focusing on the End Goals for Your Dream Nightscape

With many home projects, a homeowner may see an ad for a specific product, which triggers hours of research into many different products and solutions for the next home improvement investment. While undeniably useful, we tell clients to avoid "rabbit holes" in product study and focus on what they would like for a result.

As one of Atlanta’s oldest and best purveyors of home theaters, GHT Group often sees home theater projects bogged down into the aspects of specific projectors, screens, and sound systems. We like to start with the space and work it from there, rather than design a theater around a particular product.

With landscape lighting design, we like to work the same way. Let's start with your vision and your landscape and work from there. Of course, we can always incorporate a specific product or brand, but it should be done with an eye to enhancing the end result. Keep reading to learn how to "see the forest for the trees" (clever, no?) in your Atlanta home's landscape design.

Why Good Landscape Lighting Design Is Important Why Good Landscape Lighting Design Is Important

How Lighting Makes the Most of Your Home After the Sun Goes Down

Many Roswell homeowners spend significant sums on landscaping for their homes. As fall settles into Georgia and the weather turns, you may be looking at cleaning up your landscape and changing out summer plants for hardier fall and winter varieties, like colorful violas, cabbages, and kales. 

While many homeowners love to do some of their own gardening or have their gardener manage the seasonal changes, surprisingly, not enough attention is paid to the landscape lighting design. In some cases, very little or basic lighting is applied, missing opportunities to add both aesthetic and safety benefits after the sun fades. 

As we move into fall and winter and shorter days, now is the perfect time to consider landscape lighting projects to make the most of the beauty of your outdoor areas. Keep reading to see how. 

SEE ALSO: How to Add Drama with Landscape Lighting Design

How to Add Drama with Landscape Lighting Design How to Add Drama with Landscape Lighting Design

Elevate Your Home’s Appeal When the Sun Goes Down

You know what they say: Everything looks better in the right light. We have been known to use a turn or two of this phrase when talking about lighting on these blog pages. Just like photography is all about capturing the image in the right light, lighting can do the same for your home's appearance.

While there's equal parts art and science to interior lighting design, landscape lighting has its tricks, too. Even an average house—not that we're suggesting yours is average—can look amazing with the right landscape lighting design techniques.

Keep reading for the tricks of the trade in landscape lighting design that can make your Johns Creek, GA home the toast of the neighborhood when the sun sets.

How to Design Landscape Lighting for Increased Security How to Design Landscape Lighting for Increased Security

Increase Safety in Your Outdoor Areas for You and Your Visitors

Intuitively we know that a well-lit place is safer than a dark one. However, we don’t want the outside of our homes to look like Fremont Street in Las Vegas. It might be safer overall, but no one really wants their house to be like a beacon in the dark. In some communities, dark sky ordinances will also limit how brightly you can light your outdoor areas.

Landscape lighting design may have several objectives. You want certain outdoor areas to be usable with attractive lighting. You may have entries, paths, and driveways that you want to be illuminated for safety. And you may want lighting that adds aesthetic appeal to the exterior of your home and property. 

These objectives don’t have to be at odds with each other. In this blog, we’ll focus on safety and some ways to think about it. Keep reading for ideas on using landscape and outdoor lighting for a safer property in Brookhaven, GA.