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Articles tagged with: McIntosh Audio

Trying to Find the Perfect Gift for the Home Audio Buff? Trying to Find the Perfect Gift for the Home Audio Buff?

Here are Five Holiday Gift Ideas to Make Any Audio Enthusiast Happy

It's that time of year again. Everyone looks forward to the holidays, but holidays can bring about stress. Part of the pressure might be from shopping for the perfect gift for that special someone who seems to have everything. 

So, what do you get for the person who has everything? If they are a home audio enthusiast, we’ve got you covered. In previous blogs, we’ve mentioned that this is a golden age for audio, with an incredible array of products in the market to serve any audio need. That means that excellent gift choices abound!

We’ve lined up five great gift ideas for your Sandy Springs audio lover. Some are plug and play, and some might require a home audio installation. Either way, GHT Group is here to help, as we support our products with world-class service. 

Read on for our 2019 holiday gift guide for audio lovers. If they happen to be video lovers too, you'll find our home theater gift guide helpful also!

Can High-End Audio Fit with Your Home’s Décor? Can High-End Audio Fit with Your Home’s Décor?

With the Right Installation, It Can

Some audio enthusiasts revel in the look of their equipment. Speakers in elegant wood finishes, tube amplifiers, hefty turntables that look like industrial art can all add to the hi-fi audio experience. Even the cables are often exquisitely finished, and quite expensive.

On the other hand, not every audio aficionado wants a massive array of equipment to be visible. Call them minimalist; they want the sound without having to figure out where to place all that equipment. They may very well also have a wife, husband, or significant other that simply doesn't want to incorporate audio equipment into the décor. Or they may have small children that could wreak havoc with expensive equipment left unattended.

Those enthusiasts needn’t suffer with subpar sound. Yes, Alpharetta and Atlanta music lovers, you can have your cake (great audio) and eat it too (hide it). Georgia Home Theater has an extraordinary array of practically invisible home audio installation solutions for great sound in a listening room or throughout your whole house.