What Do Motorized Window Shades and ChatGPT Have in Common?
Hint: They Both Make Things Easy
Unless you've been hiding under a non-internet-connected rock in Santa Rosa Beach, FL, it's been difficult to avoid the stories about artificial intelligence (AI) in the news. Since the release of ChatGPT conversational AI last November, the artificial intelligence bot has taken the world by storm, with more people trying it out faster than any other internet phenomenon to date. Many people have been experimenting with or using it to help with writing, researching, developing computer code, learning new things, and much more.
So what does it have to do with motorized window shades? While many people wonder which jobs AI might replace, most are realizing that it's an intelligent tool that can assist in making many jobs easier. This is precisely what motorized window shades do – make managing your home easier! Allow us to explain below.