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Articles in Category: Interior Lighting Design Company – Smyrna, GA

GHT Groupis an interior lighting design and home technology company serving Smyrna and the Metro Atlanta area. Visit our Marietta showroom today!

Working from Home? Here’s Why Interior Lighting Design is Important  Working from Home? Here’s Why Interior Lighting Design is Important

Don’t Work in the Dark! Illuminate Your Space with These Tips!

We jest a little here; we don’t think you work in the dark. Yet, working with bright computer screens sometimes leads people to believe that they need less light in their workspace. Nothing could be further from the truth! The light from computer screens is no substitute for proper interior lighting that gets you through your workday.

We’ve written before about human-centric lighting and how light affects us throughout the day. With so many people continuing to work from home, it's even more critical that people understand how it can affect your work and energy levels. As an interior lighting design company, GHT Group has put together a few tips on lighting techniques for your Smyrna office space, whether for your home-based business or your corporate management position at Georgia-based Coca-Cola or Delta headquarters.