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Articles in Category: Smart Messaging Display – Atlanta, GA

GHT Group offers smart messaging displays and home and commercial technology solutions inthe metro Atlanta area. Call us at (770) 955-8909.

Meet Vestaboard, the Most Beautiful and Innovative Smart Messaging Display Meet Vestaboard, the Most Beautiful and Innovative Smart Messaging Display

Communicate, Inspire, and Engage with the Un-digital Digital Signage Display

“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind," sang the Five Man Electrical Band in 1971. If there were too many signs in 1971, well, the world has changed. Now the new lyrics might be “screen, screen, everywhere a screen, notifying me to death, breakin’ my mind.” With the ubiquity of digital technology, screens are everywhere, and they're always vying for our attention, from smartphones to TVs and cars.

Does the world need more screens? Maybe it needs this one. Vestaboard is a new kind of screen display. Just like a handwritten note stands out in today's world of email and text messages, this display creates a focal point and can be used to inspire, motivate, touch, and communicate in thoughtful ways. Vestaboard is a new smart messaging display solution that can enable Atlanta homes and businesses to connect without “breakin” anyone’s mind. Read on to read more about Vestaboard smart displays.