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Articles in Category: Home Automation

Home automation is not a mere luxury. Discover the benefits in comfort, safety, security, and efficiency that smart automation brings to your home.

New Year, New Home, New Tech! Make 2024 Your Year for Home Automation New Year, New Home, New Tech! Make 2024 Your Year for Home Automation

The 4 Critical Features to Consider for Your New Home

Is 2024 the year you are building your dream home on the beautiful Florida Emerald Coast? With any new home, you likely have a vision of what you want it to be. It might be a second home, or it might be your retirement home. Maybe it will serve both purposes. Perhaps you want the same amenities as your current home or something totally different. Regardless of all these decisions, you should seriously consider the top home automation features that will keep your home feeling up-to-date many years into the future. Moreover, it's much easier to plan these features in the design phase, integrating them into your building and interior design plans to take full advantage of all the possibilities with smart homes. Stay with us below as we detail the four key smart home features every Santa Rosa home should have in 2024. 

The Future Is Here with Smart Home Automation The Future Is Here with Smart Home Automation

How Can Smart Home Technology Change Your Life?

Were you captivated by the futuristic ease and sophistication depicted in the Jetsons’ home? This iconic 1962 show envisioned a 2062 lifestyle, complete with advanced appliances for effortless living and even whimsical flying cars. While we may not have reached the era of aerial automobiles just yet, the level of smart technology available today would certainly astonish the Jetsons. Imagine having lighting systems that respond to your every desire and home entertainment options that personalize at your command. These are not just concepts; they are real, advanced smart home technologies that truly epitomize the essence of a futuristic lifestyle. The future the Jetsons dreamed of is no longer a distant year like 2062; it's a present-day reality awaiting your exploration, and you can discover the reality of home automation today right in your own Birmingham home. What does it look like? Stay with us below.

6 Home Automation Ideas for Smarter Living in Buckhead 6 Home Automation Ideas for Smarter Living in Buckhead

Live Smarter, Not Harder

If you’re fortunate enough to live in Buckhead, GA, widely thought of as Atlanta’s premier neighborhood, life is better than in most places. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take some routine and monotony out of life with the help of smart home automation. They say work smarter, not harder, right? Smart home technology lets you live smarter! 

There is a long, long list of what you can do with home automation to make your life easier and have time for things that matter. In the interest of brevity, we’ll detail six of our favorites below for better living through automation. 

The Smart Way to Plan Your Home Automation Project The Smart Way to Plan Your Home Automation Project

A List of Do’s and Don’ts for Your Next Smart Home

In most of life's endeavors, there's a good way and a not-so-good way of doing things. Sometimes you can learn from mistakes without major repercussions. Sometimes, mistakes can be extremely costly and aggravating. Bear with us here; this is not a life coaching blog. 

GHT Group is in the home technology business and not trying to compete with Tony Robbins. What we can do, based on our over three decades in business in the metro Atlanta area, is give you solid advice on how to go about planning for smart home automation in your residence. 

Keep reading for our tips on what to do and not to do when planning your smart home. Did you know lousy home automation has been known to break up relationships? Trust us on that one; we've seen a few things.

SEE ALSO: 3 Home Automation Trends to Watch in 2021

3 Home Automation Trends to Watch in 2021 3 Home Automation Trends to Watch in 2021

These Accelerating Trends Will Go into Warp Speed

Home automation, smart homes, connected devices: whatever you might want to call this set of technologies, they are as inexorable a trend as the smartphone revolution. Scarcely a day goes by without another smart device introduction from companies large and small.

Since it’s the beginning of the year, it’s always a good time to make some fearless prognostications on what will be big in home automation for 2021. But we're not going to take big chances on predictions in this blog; the trends we see are already here and will accelerate even more sharply in 2021. What are they, and how might they affect your Atlanta, GA home? Keep reading below.

How Home Automation Earns its ROI How Home Automation Earns its ROI

The Case for Home Automation

Is home automation merely a luxury? We would be the first to assert that it's not a necessity for your home. But contemporary society does adjust quickly to modern technology – after all, how many of us want to give up our mobile phone? How about your refrigerator, dishwasher or washing machine?

All of the things we mentioned above were once luxuries which are now standard equipment of today's world. And all those devices had a profound influence on shaping modern lifestyles.

Will home automation have the same level of impact as these standards of modern life? We think that ultimately the answer is yes, which is why we also believe that home automation technology is a smart investment for your Buckhead, GA home right now – financially and otherwise. Read how below.

Home Automation, Security and Privacy – What You Need to Know Home Automation, Security and Privacy – What You Need to Know

Keeping Your Activity Secure

In this highly connected world we live in, much of what we do is tracked. No one is lurking in the shadows snapping pictures of us like in old detective shows, but it’s far easier than that. Your smartphone tracks your location continuously, and a variety of apps for which you grant access to your information knows where you go and where you’ve been.

Now, most of you already know that much of your activity is being watched. Your browsing history is used to target advertising. Your Facebook activity is a fountain of information that may understand more about you than you do. Google and Apple Maps know where you go, by car and on foot. Yet, there's a tradeoff we make for sharing all this information. We get some beneficial, dependable, and free services like navigation around Brookhaven and Atlanta and just about anywhere in the world (remember when navigation devices cost hundreds of dollars?) and a host of other free information services we use without a second thought.

What does that have to do with home automation? Plenty. Keep reading for more.

The Most Rapidly Advancing Home Automation Features in 2020 The Most Rapidly Advancing Home Automation Features in 2020

Technology Moves Fast in These Three Areas

It's safe to say that technology moves fast these days. We have now come to expect annual (or even quicker) updates to smartphones, tablets, operating systems, and apps. Since the innovation in smart devices like lights, thermostats, and security cameras are primarily software-driven, these devices are also rapidly gaining new intelligent features. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is also driving advances. AI machine learning technology lets smart devices get smarter, detecting patterns and anticipating your moves and desires based on behaviors. What are some of the areas benefitting most from all this AI and software prowess? It’s hard to pick three areas, but we think these three have shown incredible leaps forward in the past couple of years, with much more to come. Keep reading to see how security cameras, voice assistants, and smart lights will enable more advanced home automation in your home in Alpharetta, GA or the greater Atlanta area.  

SEE ALSO: What Does the Future Hold for Home Automation?

How Home Automation Can Make This Period Easier How Home Automation Can Make This Period Easier

While Spending More Time at Home, Let Automation Help with Comfort, Security, and Efficiency

As we all know, the current COVID-19 health crisis has presented significant challenges to everyone. With Georgia now officially under stay-at-home orders, home life has all family members under one roof pursuing typical activities at the same time – work, school, entertainment, and staying in touch with friends and family.

This time may bring about some new stresses on home life, but we have some technology solutions that may help. GHT Group has always maintained that smart home automation offers a variety of important benefits in various areas, including security and safety, comfort, efficiency, and even wellness. If you have some aspects of smart home technology in your home, you may already appreciate that. If you don’t, we have some solutions that you can consider to make this time a little easier. GHT Group is still open for business and available to help with your home technology needs.

How can home automation help with this period in your Johns Creek, GA home? Read on for some ideas.