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Articles in Category: Smart Home Interior Design

Smart home technology needs to integrate well with interior design. Learn more about smart home design considerations and solutions here.

Three Mistakes to Avoid in Your Smart Home Interior Design Three Mistakes to Avoid in Your Smart Home Interior Design

Don't Assume Anything

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “when you assume, you make …” We know you know the rest. And when it comes to a smart home, you’d be wise to remember this one. A smart home, after all, is not just about stuffing some smart electronics in it to control things like lights, window treatments, and entertainment. Technology needs to coexist with your interior design. And you should not leave that part to chance, as we know of too many costly mistakes when that happens. 

What shouldn’t you assume is being addressed in your smart home interior design? Here’s what you’ll want to avoid in your Atlanta, GA, smart home.