How Home Automation Earns its ROI
The Case for Home Automation

Is home automation merely a luxury? We would be the first to assert that it's not a necessity for your home. But contemporary society does adjust quickly to modern technology – after all, how many of us want to give up our mobile phone? How about your refrigerator, dishwasher or washing machine?
All of the things we mentioned above were once luxuries which are now standard equipment of today's world. And all those devices had a profound influence on shaping modern lifestyles.
Will home automation have the same level of impact as these standards of modern life? We think that ultimately the answer is yes, which is why we also believe that home automation technology is a smart investment for your Buckhead, GA home right now – financially and otherwise. Read how below.
SEE ALSO: Home Automation, Security and Privacy – What You Need to Know
Adding Value to Your Home
Home automation can add value to your home in several ways. But let's discuss a key value for many people – home value. A home represents a big part of many families' net worth. Smart home technology can add to a home's value when it comes time to sell. Home appraisers pay attention to home construction and finish out when establishing values and validating them with comparable homes. Appraisers are starting to acknowledge that a home equipped with automation technology stands out and gets a higher appraisal. If a house is being compared with others also equipped with smart technology features, the appraisal won't get reduced for lack of them.
Another major factor in the value of home automation is buyer demand. Recent studies have shown that smart automation features like lighting are security on high on the list of prospective buyers, particularly younger ones. Home automation can also deliver a "wow factor" that can trigger an emotional response "gotta have it" response from a potential buyer.
Energy Efficiency
Energy isn't free, so if you can save on energy costs from lighting, cooling, and heating, you save real dollars. Over the long term, those savings add up. Modern homes with more advanced insulation are far more efficient than older ones for heating and cooling. Consider smart climate control the new insulation, a feature that can make a significant dent in energy usage for climate control. Combine new LED lighting with intelligent control, and you can make your lighting as much as 80% more energy-efficient over incandescent illumination.
The Value of Security
Home automation adds intelligence to home security like never before. Smart cameras and surveillance can make your home a much less palatable target for would-be burglars. And your smart cameras let you see what's going on at home whenever you want, as well as alerting you to any untoward activity. It's easy to see how avoiding even one instance of burglary or vandalism could make a smart, automated security system quickly pay for itself. What about the intangible value, the peace of mind that comes with the feeling that your family and home are safe? That's priceless.
Time is Money
Few will dispute that time does equate to money. Freeing up time from mundane tasks enables people to do things they want to do, whether it's a remunerative pursuit or simply time to enjoy other activities. When your home takes care of itself through automation, you gain valuable time – to spend with your family, exercising, relaxing, entertaining with friends, starting a new passion business, and more. We will let you put a value on that.
Want to learn more about the value of home automation? Call us at (770) 955-8909, contact us here, or use the chat box below to connect with us right away. We look forward to working with you!