3 Reasons NOT to Hire a Control4 Smart Home Installer
We Realize Some People Don’t Need Our Help

Are we being serious here? Yes and no. After all, as a leading Control4 installer serving Sandy Springs and Metro Atlanta, why would we tell you not to hire us for your smart home needs? So bear with us here for a little tongue-in-cheek look at smart home automation.
Almost every day, a new smart home device hits the market. OK, maybe not every day, but it seems like there’s a new one every day. From devices from industry giants like Amazon to upstarts like Wyze, there are amazing options for remarkably sophisticated smart home functionality. Couple that with the ever-growing software ecosystem from the tech industry’s leaders like Amazon, Apple, and Google, and why would you ever need GHT Group? Well, we’re going to go ahead and tell you three reasons why you might not need us, just in case you couldn’t think of any right off the bat!
SEE ALSO: 4 Reasons NOT to Go DIY with Home Automation
You Love Your Voltage Tester
Nothing is more satisfying than the beep of a voltage tester when it gets close to an electrical wire. In fact, you play with this tool just for the beep! Not only that, but you also know where the neutral wire is buried deep in the wall in the junction box, so you know how to replace your light switches with those snazzy new smart ones you found at Home Depot. You enjoy playing with the breakers to see how to turn off the power, because the electrician never really labeled them correctly. If all this sounds like your idea of weekend fun, we lament you won’t be calling us to install Control4’s equally snazzy and even smarter Contemporary lighting control keypads.
You Know What a C-Wire Is
Most smart thermostats require what’s known as a C-wire to run, as it supplies low-voltage power. And if you know what low-voltage power is, you’re already way ahead of most people! If you’re the type that bought a Nest thermostat, discovered that your older HVAC system has no C-wire, and went ahead and figured out how to do it anyway, we won't be waiting for your call because we know you don't need us.
You Love Software Debugging
Earlier in your career in Atlanta, you were one of the principal architects of UPS’ sophisticated ORION system that let UPS delivery trucks find the fastest, most efficient way to get packages to customer doors. You used to think in code. While those days are in the past, you think nothing of developing an Alexa morning routine that starts your coffee, turns on the news, turns off the alarm, broadcasts a message to your kids to wake up for school, turns on the kitchen lights, ups the temperature, and raises the motorized shades. When a software update magically makes that routine work only every third day, you relish the challenge of figuring out what went wrong. And, of course, you fix it. We knew you wouldn’t call.
OK, if none of the above fits you, please call GHT Group, your friendly Control4 smart home installer. We can set you up with a reliable, powerful, and versatile smart home system that can grow with your needs. And if any part of it runs into a problem, you won’t need a voltage tester or anything else – we’ll be here to answer your call. Visit our Marietta showroom, contact us here, or start a chat below to quickly connect with one of our experts. We look forward to working with you!