Spice Up Your Home Theater Seating With Octane
Accessorize Your Theater For Every Viewing Experience

When you think about home theater, your thoughts may turn to the big things that make it a home cinema experience. The screen, the projector, and the surround sound system provide the picture and sound that recreates the immersive experience.
The décor is important too. Whether your taste runs to recreating the classic décor of the Fox theater or to a modern and clean aesthetic, where the room transports you is an important part of the experience.
Then there are the little details that, when done well, just delight. Small details can also annoy if not done well. Do you have a car with poorly placed cupholders? Does a cup placed in one of them block your radio or HVAC control? That's an example of a detail that can irritate.
The same consideration can be given to home theater seating. Some of the big concerns are: Are the seats comfortable for a long movie? Does every position have a great view of the screen?
Then there are the small considerations. Where do I put my drink or snack? What if I need a little light in the dark? It is these small - but essential - aspects that we will cover in this short blog, and how home theater seating from Octane Seating makes the most of those considerations. Ready to review the little seating accessories that help make your Atlanta home theater the perfect entertainment space? Just keep reading.
SEE ALSO: Why Is Seating so Important to Any Home Theater Layout?
Everyone Eats in the Theater
In a commercial movie theater, some people actually go just for the popcorn. Perhaps we exaggerate a little, but it is a quintessential part of the experience. Everyone likes a snack and a drink at the movies. While most movie theaters these days have built-in cupholders for drinks, many lack any kind of tray or space to put the big tub of popcorn.
Your home theater doesn't have to be that theater. Octane makes beautiful accessories for home theaters that make eating and drinking easier. Remember the TV dinner? With Octane’s elegant swivel tray tables, make it a movie dinner – or football watch night - with trays finished in aluminum, walnut, or tempered glass. If for some reason you need to mix a little work in with your viewing, these swivel trays are perfect for holding your laptop too.
No Popcorn or Drinks on the Floor, Please
Octane has a couple of other tricks to ensure that your home theater doesn't end up with the dirty floors of the local movieplex. If you enjoy a good glass of wine with your movie, their custom wine glass holder will ensure that it doesn't get accidentally knocked over in the dark – or when a frightening scene almost makes you jump out of your seat. And to make sure the popcorn doesn't fly either, an innovative double-walled popcorn and snack bowl keeps your favorite snack secure. It also swivels on the integrated mount in the seat, so the person next to you never has to poke you to pass the popcorn.
Settle in Comfortably
As plush as traditional theater seats are, sitting for a long time creates some discomfort for some people with neck and back issues. Octane lumbar and head and neck pillows let viewers of every size and shape customize their seating to maximize comfort. The lumbar pillow is thoughtfully designed with gel memory foam, covered with a breathable mesh fabric.
For sofa or loveseat style layouts, Octane makes removable arms with built-in cupholders and storage. Another accessory, the LED flex light, can point focused light when it might be needed in the dark, without having to fumble for the flashlight applet on a smartphone. If you're a cigar aficionado, there's even a solid aluminum ashtray accessory that also attached to the accessory dock on a recliner seat. And if you must be on your phone or tablet during the movie (it's your home theater and your rules), the swiveling aluminum holder keeps it secure and handy without having to hold it.
It’s the little details that make the experience – equip your Atlanta home theater with the right seating for you.
To connect with us, contact us here to schedule a complimentary consultation, or click the button below to chat with one of our experts. We look forward to serving you!