Get Ready for an Exclusive MartinLogan World Premiere in Atlanta
Georgia Home Theater Will Debut 7 New MartinLogan Speakers

Georgia Home Theater is so excited to tell you about our next hi-fi event that we can barely contain ourselves. Recently we wrote about adding MartinLogan’s inimitable speaker line to our ever-expanding stable of high-end audio brands. This month we are one of the chosen few dealers - not in Atlanta, but the world - to debut seven new MartinLogan speaker models.
On Tuesday, August 20th at 6 PM, you can be one of the first to see and hear these new MartinLogan speakers. But please RSVP, because space is filling up quickly. Aside from an unforgettable audio experience, the evening will include hors d’oeuvres, drinks, door prizes, and the chance to enter a drawing for MartinLogan speakers.
While we can’t tell you about the new speakers yet, you’ll also have a chance to listen to MartinLogan’s flagship Neolith electrostatic speakers. If you haven’t heard electrostatics before, or even if you have, you owe it to your audio enthusiast-self to listen to the Neolith.
To whet your audio-appetite keep reading below to learn more about the Neolith.
SEE ALSO: Georgia Home Theater Adds MartinLogan to Our Stable of Hi-Fi Brands
Neolith - Electrostatic Excellence
As you may know, MartinLogan has been perfecting electrostatic speaker designs since the 1970s. Electrostatic speakers are known for their airy soundstage that transcends the boundaries of the speakers. As those who know electrostatic design understand that the technology does not deliver the deepest bass, MartinLogan has created a hybrid design that combines a traditional woofer to bring the best of both worlds to the listener.
As the Neolith is the flagship, it is essentially a cost-no-object design. MartinLogan knows how to deliver superb audio quality at various price points; this flagship speaker, however, will not set you back the cost of a Ferrari. It does, however, have the largest electrostatic transducer in the company's line, and adds a potent 15-inch rear-firing woofer for low bass response as well as a 12-inch, front-firing mid-bass driver for powerful, accurate, and smooth bass notes.
Custom Ordered and Built
The Neolith is no ordinary speaker, so you won’t find it on any store shelf. The 385-pound weight would probably preclude that. But in all seriousness, as the company’s flagship, this is an audio product of the highest end, and as such is custom-ordered, hand-built, and professionally installed only. Available in seven standard exquisite furniture grade colors, the craftsmanship complements any décor, but the speakers will make a statement in any space.
Please RSVP below and join us on August 20th for our exclusive MartinLogan event. Even if your schedule does not permit you to attend the event and hear the Neolith, you still have options. MartinLogan will stream the event on Facebook Live, so you can virtually attend from wherever you may be. There will also be a Facebook-only drawing,
The other option - no waiting required - is to visit Georgia Home Theater’s Marietta Showroom to experience MartinLogan speakers for yourself. We currently have the Impression, Expression, and Motion XT speakers on display. Please call us at (770) 955-8909, contact us here, or click the live chat button below to connect with us right away. We look forward to seeing you.