Do You Want a More Aesthetic Look to Your Acoustic Treatments?
Optimize the Audio in Your Home Theater Installation Without Sacrificing Style

It’s rare to have the perfect acoustic environment during a home theater installation. Every installation will have a few acoustic issues to address, whether it has to do with the shape of the room or the wall material. Two primary things will affect the sonic performance in your home: speaker placement and acoustic treatments.
Here, we’ll focus primarily on the latter and how acoustic treatments help to create a more immersive viewing experience in your Metro Atlanta home theater, whether you live in Dunwoody or beyond. Eliminating acoustic issues shouldn’t come at the expense of your theater aesthetics, though. Which is why we partner with Acoustic Innovations. Their WallScapes come in various shapes, sizes, and colors to fit your unique interior design preferences.
SEE MORE: How Good Does Your Home Theater Sound?
Why Acoustic Panels Are So Important
Every acoustic adjustment in your home theater is about controlling reflections. Especially important is managing the low bass tones in the room. These often build up in certain areas and either cancel themselves out or result in modes — pronounced tones that overwhelm other audio signals. High-frequency signals also muddle the sound if they bounce around the room too freely.
Reducing your low-frequency signals can be done in various ways, from choosing rectangular rooms for your theater to dividing up the sound into multiple subwoofers. Acoustic panels, called bass traps, also serve this specific purpose. These panels tend to be larger to catch the lower reflections.
In the case of higher frequencies, you want to avoid an echo chamber effect. Noise happens when sound bounces off the walls and competes with the signal coming directly from the speaker. To avoid this, you want to create a softer environment through the use of acoustic panels.
While some people are tempted to add soft acoustic material to all of the walls during their home theater installation, this will muddle the overall sound. Our recommendation is to cover about 30-40 percent of your side wall area with absorptive panels, so you still allow for some movement.
Why Wallscapes Are the Ideal Solution
In the past, adding acoustic panels to your home theater installation could be a pretty intrusive endeavor. Finding a balance between design and efficiency was hard since there was little leeway as to how small your acoustic panels could be or where you could place them.
Then came Acoustic Innovations’ WallScapes, which pack an aesthetic punch to boost rather than sabotage your theater’s design. Have a particular style or color palette in mind? Each acoustic panel within the WallScape can be six different shapes (hexagon, trapezoid, linear, triangle, square or triangle) and three different sizes. Have them all be the same color or alternate between 36 different options, from pumpkin orange to willow green. And if a particular design doesn’t jump to mind, Acoustic Innovations offers custom shapes and sizes, from 12-inch triangles to 32-inch hexagons.
If you don’t particularly trust your design skills, one of Georgia Home Theater’s in-house designers can help create a customized WallScape optimized for your home theater installation.
Do you want a home theater that looks as good as it sounds? Then Acoustic Innovations’ WallScapes are the ideal solution for you. You can see them for yourself at our Marietta showroom and learn more about how they can enhance your theater.
To schedule an appointment, call us at (770) 955-8909, contact us here, or chat with us on the bottom right corner of your screen. We look forward to hearing from you!