Can High-End Audio Fit with Your Home’s Décor?
With the Right Installation, It Can

Some audio enthusiasts revel in the look of their equipment. Speakers in elegant wood finishes, tube amplifiers, hefty turntables that look like industrial art can all add to the hi-fi audio experience. Even the cables are often exquisitely finished, and quite expensive.
On the other hand, not every audio aficionado wants a massive array of equipment to be visible. Call them minimalist; they want the sound without having to figure out where to place all that equipment. They may very well also have a wife, husband, or significant other that simply doesn't want to incorporate audio equipment into the décor. Or they may have small children that could wreak havoc with expensive equipment left unattended.
Those enthusiasts needn’t suffer with subpar sound. Yes, Alpharetta and Atlanta music lovers, you can have your cake (great audio) and eat it too (hide it). Georgia Home Theater has an extraordinary array of practically invisible home audio installation solutions for great sound in a listening room or throughout your whole house.
SEE ALSO: Product Overview: JL Audio Architectural Subwoofers
Architectural Hi-Fi Speakers
Once upon a time, built-in or architectural speakers couldn’t match the quality of free-standing models, but advances in design and continual improvement in materials and enclosures have changed all that. It should come as no surprise that almost every major hi-fi speaker manufacturer has an architectural line, and sometimes several. Brands like Martin Logan, Bowers and Wilkins, and Paradigm all have excellent architectural speakers that can serve home theater or listening room duties with equal aplomb.
Let’s take a case in point. One of our newest speaker brands, Monitor Audio, has created the Controlled Performance Series. This line of speakers not only features the same C-CAM metal drivers the company is known for but also have fully sealed enclosures that help with bass performance and blending; they lend the same careful tuning to the sound that a well-designed and braced cabinet adds to a free-standing speaker. We like this line so much that we are featuring it in our showroom at our brand-new Crestron Experience center.
Rack-Mounted Sources and Control
If you’re not big into seeing preamps, amplifiers, and source equipment like streamers and CD players, we can neatly and discreetly rack-mount the equipment in an unused cabinet or closet. We can also provide wireless, no line-of-sight required control to manage it all. Forget all the IR remotes that might have come with the equipment; we can consolidate it with a Control4 or Crestron control and automation system. You will see nary a cable or electronics box anywhere. Depending on your equipment, your rack might include fan cooling to ensure that nothing overheats and lasts a long time.
What will be visible? Your universal remote control, which could be a touch screen or a hard-button remote. Both Crestron and Control4 have excellent choices for both types. You can even have wall-mounted keypads programmed for your most-used commands, like play/pause, source changing, skipping tracks, and more.
What’s more, with home automation systems like Control4, the controller “brains” of the system can double as sources for your home audio, if you choose. A Control4 EA controller has built-in streaming capabilities for popular music services as well as your own digital library, and it can support high-resolution audio as well.
But if your idea of hi-fi audio is a big rack of top-end McIntosh equipment, we can hide that too and put full control in the palm of your hand. Oh, and McIntosh also has in-wall and in-ceiling speakers as well as high-performance distribution amplifiers to drive multiple rooms in your setup. If you don’t want to settle for anything but the best, you don’t have to.
We have barely given you a taste of all your hi-fi audio installation options that can pull a nifty disappearing act. We invite you to visit our Marietta showroom to listen to the best brands in audio and tell us what you'd like – Georgia Home Theater will make it happen. Reach out to us or click below to connect with one of our audio experts. We look forward to seeing you.